Augmented Structures v1.1 2011, Turkey, Istanbul

Augmented Structures v1.1 : Acoustic Formations / Istiklal Street

Architecture and (Media) Design are art forms that exist independently from one another. Over the last few years they have been growing together. They are entering into symbiotic dependencies and stimulations. Against the background of the information technologies, architecture has gained a new reality. No longer are objects or processes the constituting elements of a building. Now they are described as technical networks of communicating nodes, which balance themselves in contrived patterns.

Architecture and (Media) Design are art forms that exist independently from one another. Over the last few years they have been growing together. They are entering into symbiotic dependencies and stimulations. Against the background of the information technologies, architecture has gained a new reality. No longer are objects or processes the constituting elements of a building. Now they are described as technical networks of communicating nodes, which balance themselves in contrived patterns. "Augmented Structures v1.1 : Acoustic Formations/Istiklal Street" is an augmented structure, an installation by Refik Anadol and Alper Derinbo••az which is created through the use of innovative parametric architecture and audiovisual techniques. The projects deals with a new mediated space: How to translate the logic of media into architecture? In this first experiment field recordings of Istiklal Street will be transformed in to parametric architectural structure. The recordings were made by Kerim Karaoglu who also used these recordings to create an electro-acoustical composition. The project seeks interactions between space, sound, visual and light. A similar connection between architecture and media has been experienced in Philips Pavilion of Le Courbusier in 1958. Beyond being an artwork this installation is an urban experience. The scale of surface, 2000sqm, and the dominance of the location will definitely take place in collective memory of ••stiklal Street visitors. There will be an exhibition opening on 20th of September at 19:30 in relation to this façade installation which showcases experiments of architecture- sound - visual correlations of Refik Anadol and Alper Derinbogaz.


Building or project owner : Refik Anadol - Alper Derinbogaz

Architecture : Alper Derinbogaz

Project artist/ concept/ design/ planning : Refik Anadol

Structural engineering : Alper Derinbogaz

Facade design : Alper Derinbogaz

Light design : Refik Anadol

Lighting control software : VVVV

Project co-ordination : Refik Anadol


Facade type and geometry (structure) : Parametric Design + Data Visualization + CNC Cutting

Kind of light creation : 15K Sanyo SD Projectors x 9 VVVV Cinema4D Adobe After Effects

Resolution and transmitting behaviour : During the night audio/visıual performance had been projected on the structure which had been accompanied with a generatively designed contemporary aesthetic visuals consisting of input data from the recordins and their transformed versions synchronized to the movement of graphics re-shaping and transforming the structure on which they are projected. The structure in turn influences and transform.

Pixel distance : (1024x768) x 9 Pixels

Luminace : 15.000 Lumen x 9

Urban situation : Galatasaray Square near by Taksim Square

Description of showreel : 6 minutes Audio/Visual Performance

Participatory architecture & urban interaction
